Apr 14, 2016

Prestige vs. Passion

When someone chooses ministry as their calling, it's important for them to ask themselves this question: Am I going into ministry for the prestige or passion? The prestige comes from notoriety; folks know who you are and depending on your reputation, they may speak highly of you. The passion for ministry is when you're concerned about people's eternal salvation that even though they may reject Jesus at first, you'll do everything in your power to lead them to Christ because you're looking at where they'll spend eternity. I've watched the Preachers on Oxygen series about ministers in Atlanta, Los Angeles & Detroit and I've noticed the show brings notoriety to the ministers. Yes, those ministers are already rich & famous before the show, but the show has elevated their notoriety.
Unfortunately, some ministers go into ministry for prestige, not because of their passion for ministry. Motives are everything. The best way to figure out a minister's motives is paying attention to their messages. If their message center around prosperity, fame & fortune, it's easy to tell they're looking for fame & fortune. If their messages center around salvation & how to draw closer to God, and they have a servant's heart, that's a minister who is passionate about ministry. They don't care about being on TV, their focus is leading people to Christ. I think when ministers get on TV & get offers for Christian reality shows, they get caught up in the fame & fortune that they lose themselves.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.