Oct 7, 2014

Giving Back An Engagement Ring

In a Facebook group I'm in, this was a topic of discussion: Should A Woman Give Back An Engagement Ring If Things Don't Work Out? The discussion got pretty intense with some people saying she should, and others saying she shouldn't. My view is she should give back the engagement ring. Things obviously didn't work out between them, so her keeping the ring signals that she still has feelings for this man, and that's gonna make it hard for the right man who comes in her life. If a man's honest, he notices things like that. Anytime a man is getting to know a woman, he's going to ask are there any other men in the picture? If a man sees a woman with an engagement ring, he's going to notice that. Going further, he'll end the date because he assumes her current man is in the picture. A man wants to feel like he's the only one for her, and wearing an engagement ring isn't a good look for a woman unless she's intent on marrying him.
It's crazy for a woman to keep an engagement ring even if he broke the engagement, and let me explain why: What in the world is she going to do with the engagement ring, marry herself? That's about the only hope of engagement she has, because any man with sense would be turned off by a woman wearing an engagement ring. If I'm getting to know a woman, one of the first questions I will ask is to look at her ring finger. I want to know if she has a wedding or engagement ring because I don't want to be second place to any woman. Either I'm going to be 1st place in her life, or nothing else. To me, a woman who wears an engagement ring and she's not with her man is playing games. There's no point in keeping an engagement ring if the relationship failed. If I broke the engagement, I'd ask for the ring back. Why let her keep it? As a reminder of what didn't work out? No thanks. By getting the ring back, I'm releasing her to the next man that'll treat her how I didn't.
In conclusion, unless she's going to pawn the ring, it's useless to keep something as a reminder of the person who was once in your life. It's like they still have a hold on you.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.