Sep 1, 2015

ICYMI: Wife Is Controlling and Does Not Listen | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS

How old is this man? 26. A grown man should NOT have a curfew, that's crazy. It's bad enough he married a controlling woman, but the curfew she's got him on is ridiculous. With that said, let's get into this letter. It's hard for me to empathize with this man because he had to know about his wife's controlling nature. In knowing how controlling his wife is, why did he marry her? I'll tell you why: She's a good woman, this, that and the third. Nothing's good about being controlling, I'm just saying. Everything you say and do is scrutinized to the T. This woman monitors his workout time, which is crazy to me. What if he decides to put in some extra gym time? She's going to have a problem with that. This man needs to get some gumption and do 1 of 2 things: Stand up to his wife or 2. Leave. 
I'm going with #2 because I couldn't be with a controlling woman where I have to check in with her for everything I'm about to say or do. As long as I'm not doing anything I have no business doing, she should fall back. I'm having a difficult time feeling sorry for this man because he has allowed his wife to run the relationship. This letter makes me think one thing: She wears the pants & the panties in the relationship. She has no respect for him because he lets her have her way. I bet if he put her in her place, she wouldn't move because she'd know he means business. Now he wants his wife to be submissive; good luck with that because I don't see her changing anytime soon. If he wanted a submissive woman, he should have married a submissive wife because this one isn't it.

ICYMI: I'm Missing My Queen | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS

This man had a good woman, but he couldn't handle her making more money than him so he mistreats her. She decides to give him a second chance, but she doesn't make it easy for him (nor should she). As she gives him another chance, she tells him what she will (not) put up with, and how he shouldn't be threatened by her having a Master's Degree. She worked hard for that degree, and she should be proud. From what I read, she hasn't thrown her education or money in his face, so why is he threatened? I touched on this in a previous blog, but I'll reiterate it again: Many men say they don't mind their woman making more than them until they meet a woman who does. If he's not direct about his displeasure with his woman making more money than him, he'll throw subliminal shade towards her until she wants the truth as to why he's so bothered by her making more than him. Maybe his ex could have made more money than him and she threw it in his face (some folks are petty like that). Not everyone is ok with their spouse making more money than them. Some people seek out mates of lesser financial status so they can take care of them. The downside is that if the couple splits, the breadwinner in the relationship would be responsible for alimony because they've gotten that person accustomed to that lifestyle. As far as I'm concerned, this man has done it now. He may not have a chance of winning her back, especially after she told him what time it was before. He has no one to blame but himself.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.