Nov 8, 2012

Vegas Employer: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees « CBS Las Vegas

It's important to have a Plan B because life throws detours your way. Some detours will help you reach your goal faster and others may temporary delay you onto your desired path. I read an article that said a business owner fired 22 employees due to Obama's re-election and I was pissed because that's a form of extortion. The owner's rationale was that he spent years looking out for his employees and with Obama being re-elected, he was going to raise taxes causing him to take drastic measures to keep his business afloat. Whether these employees were slackers or top performers remains to be seen but the bottom line is that employees are the lifeblood of ANY business. Employees make the company succeed and especially if you have top-tier talent, why would you lay off your best employees? That's dumb. Always, ALWAYS have a Plan B even if you think you don't or won't need it. Better to have Plan B and not need it then not have it and need it. Nowadays, job security is non-existent. You can't guarantee your job as your sole income source. Even more ridiculous that some states are right to work, meaning you can be fired for any or no reason. If an employer doesn't like you,'re fired. Shakes Head. It's sad that the business world has degenerated into dog-eat-dog. The sad thing is like my dude Norm said, so many people walk around thinking they're going to keep the same job 20, 30+years and when they get that pink slip, it hits them like a ton of bricks. To these people I say: Where Was Your Plan B? Did you have other income streams lined up just in case that job went under?

To Be Continued...

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.