Oct 25, 2017

Being Used

When I read this letter, I couldn't help but to feel for the stepfather. This man loved his stepdaughter as his own and took care of her, only for her and her mother to spit in his face. That's the ultimate level of disrespect, and he had every right to withdraw funding from the daughter's wedding. Of course, women are going to view this as him being petty and that's cool, but the facts are the daughter and mom are dead wrong. The stepdad didn't have to do what he did, he did it because he saw a need and chose to handle it. I have no sympathy for the mother and daughter because they should know you can't expect to continue using people without any consequences. The only thing I fault the stepdad for is allowing himself to be used; then again, he couldn't have known he was being used since these leeches didn't show their true colors until wedding season. This letter goes to show you that sometimes, blessing others sets you up to be used.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.