May 22, 2015

3 Things That Will Destroy A Man

What do Bill Clinton, King Jehoshophat, King David, Jimmy Swaggart, Eddie Long and others have in common? They were all destroyed by Money, Women, and Vice. Some of those men have made a comeback, and others have fallen off for good. Former president Clinton seemed to have recovered from his infamous scandal because we haven't heard much about him in the news. Bishop Eddie Long is trying to recover from his infamous sex scandal, and so far his church has forgiven him and all seems to be well. When you're in a position of power, every kind of temptation is thrown your way. Some people want to see you fall, so they'll do everything possible to trip you up, so that's why I say it's important for men to exercise discipline. Matter of fact, a man has MORE reason to keep his circle small because he doesn't know who's coming for his #1 spot. It's a known fact that women are attracted to powerful men, so a lot of women use their sex appeal to bring a man down, and sadly a lot of men fall for it. I've read about several powerful men that had everything going for them, and they got hooked up with some skeezer who brought them to their knees. All I could do is shake my head at how stupid some men can be to let a woman screw up their whole image.
You can tell a man that's not used to money, because the first thing he does when he gets a large sum of money is go to the strip club. You guys know what I'm talking about: Spend $8,000 on booty, like they've never seen beautiful women before. Or he'll take his crew of friends to the mall for a shopping spree, just to be noticed. Women are like: Look at him, I know he's got some money, ummmhmmm...balling with his partners. From time to time, I'll look at the richest men in the world and how they got their wealth. Some of them inherited their money, and others capitalized on their gifts and got rich that way. Football superstar Terrell Owens comes to mind. This was one of the most talented receivers in NFL history, made millions doing what he loved until he let too many people get in his ear: Leeching family & friends, women, crooked financial professionals. All of them destroyed Terrell's financial picture because now he's struggling to get back into football. Last I heard about him, he's doing tryouts for arena football, and they make $300 per game, which isn't much for a former multi-million athlete. If T.O. had the right people in his corner, he would still be doing very well for himself right now
I'm not scared to say it: Some men are moved by money, women, and other vices. Money and Women are the two major things some men will let destroy them. It's sad to see successful men ruined because of money & women, but maybe if some men weren't so thirsty, they would still be on top. The most successful men have nothing to prove; they know who they are. If no women are checking for them, big deal. I'm sure a lot of them are glad because as stated before, some women are attracted to powerful men and the wrong woman can bring down a man's empire. Powerful men need to be more disciplined than the average man for one reason: They have more to lose.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.