Aug 6, 2012

Standing Up For Righteousness

Unless you've been living under a rock, everyone has heard of the flak Chick-Fil-A COO/President has gotten for standing up for his belief. I applaud Dan Cathy for being one of the few Christian leaders that stood up for his belief. God's people are commanded to stand for righteousness and Mr. Cathy did just that. The comments that got him in hot water were as follows: "I think we are inviting God's judgment by telling God we know better than him what marriage should be about. We have such a prideful/arrogant view of marriage that gay marriage is simply a slap in the face of what God intended." Ok...I don't see the fuss in that comment because it was right on; God set marriage to be one man & woman and gay marriage is in violation of that. I'm not hating on gays & lesbians. They are people just like you and I but as a Christian, I can't & won't support gay marriage. Honestly, more Christian leaders need to grow balls and stand up for their beliefs but noooooo, they are shook by opposition so they keep quiet while foolishness reigns supreme. The Bible says wickedness prevails when the righteous do nothing. On a side note, I like Chick-Fil-A and eat there twice a year. I didn't read one hateful statement from Mr. Cathy, he was simply stating his belief that God designed marriage to be between one man & woman. It's funny how you're accepted when your views line up with the majority but when you speak out, you lose fame & fortune. I'd rather lose fame & fortune than co-sign foolishness. I have to sleep at night & I'd rather sleep good knowing I stood for right than co-sign foolishness just to be "in the clique" Not many people have Dan Cathy's backbone. They would stand for their beliefs in private but cower under pressure in public. Chick-Fil-A is a Christian-owned restaurant that has a 65-year history. They are open Monday-Saturday and closed Sundays so they can allow their employees to worship. It's crazy how God's people are called hatemongerers, homophobic, etc. when they stand for righteousness. I respect those who stand behind their beliefs in private & public, regardless of opposition. It takes guts to stand behind your beliefs in the face of brutal opposition. The irony of this controversy is that gays can push their agenda but when Dan Cathy and other likeminded people push theirs, those who stand for morality are called intolerant, hateful, bigoted, etc. Do you see the hypocrisy in this? If gays can push their agenda (even though many won't agree), then Christians should have the same right (which they do) and not be ridiculed for standing up for what's right.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.