Jan 21, 2014

Getting Into A Relationship: Proceed With Caution

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you read this Caution sign? To me, the sign is obvious; proceed with caution. In life, it's important to use caution before undertaking a major event. If not, you could get caught up in something you have no business being in. Relationships are no different. In fact, you should exercise caution before you enter a relationship with someone. It baffles me people would accept the first person who walks into their life. Did (s)he do a background check on them? No, they saw a good looking (wo)man and their thirst meter went on overload. This is straight from my heart: I take relationships VERY seriously because I want my first long-term relationship to last, and in order to do that, I have to be very careful who I open up to. Not everyone has my best interest at heart, so why would I open up to the wrong woman? That's silly. I'm in several Facebook groups and we frequently discuss relationships. I read many people's relationship situations, and I shake my head because the posters come off so jaded. Women write off men as dogs, men call women ratchet, etc. When it comes to failed relationships, I learn a lot from other people's failed relationships, and I determine NOT to make the same mistakes they did.
Can someone be TOO cautious? That depends. If you're trying to protect yourself from hurt, no. As stated before, not everyone you meet is going to have your best interest at heart. If you can avoid pain, do so. No sense in putting yourself through unnecessary drama. This is why many people with failed relationships are bitter, because they were too trusting with their heart. They took the first good looking (wo)man walking and lost their senses; telling everything on the first date, spending hundreds trying to impress them so they can stay, etc. The relationship game has changed, and not for the better. You have men bordering on simp territory selling out for women's approval, and women eating that up while she says to herself  "I've got this man wrapped around my finger. I'm not checking for him, but if he's wining & dining me, why not?" After the courting phase, comes marriage. Marriage is a whole different ballgame because what's done in the dark, comes to light. You find out things about a person you never knew. For everyone that's too trusting with their heart, be careful. Trust the wrong person and they'll have you looking crazy

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.