Apr 29, 2024

Fred Jones: Refrain

 ⚠️ Refrain from Announcing GOOD NEWS πŸ“’ prematurely. As it may attract demonic surveillance which brings about delay and possibly destruction! 

πŸ“š Learn to Keep things PRIVATE 🀫 until you know they’re PERMANENT, and even after that know you’re not obligated to share your business with anybody!

This is a word. Even if you know some people are genuinely happy for your success, still…your success will speak for itself. I’m very careful who I share my victories with. Some people may think you have something to hide,  but you’re protecting your anointing, blessing, etc. because everyone isn’t solid.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.