Dec 4, 2014

God's In Control: On My Terms

The general consensus among the Christian community is that God's in control, regardless of the circumstances. When things work in our favor, God's in control. When things don't work our way, God's in control, but he has his own reasons for things not working out in your favor. All you can do is keep your faith and prayer life strong, and trust God. That's the hardest thing for anyone to do is trust God, even if we think we can figure things out.You know what: People believe God's in control, as long as God did what they asked him to. The minute God does something higher than us, we want to blame God or try and fix it ourselves. Many Christians don't know how to say "You know what Lord, I give this to you. I can't fix this situation, and I'm not going to try. Your ways are higher than mine." It baffles me that people want God to be in control on their terms.
Why do folks want God to be in control on their terms? Because people want to control God. They want to be able to dictate how God plans their life. If God has them go one way, and (s)he goes the other, they want God to co-sign. If God co-signs, then it means that God is in control. If God was in control on people's terms, God would be nothing more than a puppet; you pull its strings and it moves however you desire. What people fail to realize is that God Is Sovereign, meaning that his ways and thoughts are higher than ours. It's easy to say God's In Control, as long as God's answering every prayer. Are these same people going to believe that God's in control based on rampant injustice in this country? Believe it or not, God's in control even if we may not understad what, why, when, or how.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.