Nov 30, 2020

Pet Ownership


People are actually offended when someone advocates for animals? It's pathetic that some people are short-sighted to think that animals don't matter. First off, pets are simple: They give you loyalty & unconditional love and they ask for the same in return. I read plenty of stories about pets being neglected/abused, dumped for stupid reasons, etc., and it makes me wonder why the owners got a pet in the first place. Do some owners not do their homework on pet ownership before taking on the responsibility? Caring for a pet is like caring for a child: You stay on top of it's health and take care of it daily; if your pet needs to be fed, you feed it. Pets require daily exercise for peak health, and so on. People who are slighted over animal advocacy show me all I need to know about them. Animals have no voice, so we must be theirs. God bless those with a heart for neglected/abused dogs, who care enough to nurse them back to health. For every story of abuse/neglect, I read a story about a dog who came from abuse/neglect to live their best life, and that makes me happy that not ALL humans are trash. Some of them are, and it's difficult for me to not label all humans as trash when they abuse/neglect their pets or dump them at a shelter for stupid reasons. I care about 3 groups: Children/babies, disabled people and dogs.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.