Aug 22, 2016

Is Society & Today's Parents Too Soft On Children?

Credit goes to Katrina Taylor (FB Friend) for this topic. 

Is Society & Today's Parents Too Soft On Children? My response is: Yes. What today's children get away with would never be tolerated back in the day. At the same time, the family structure was intact back then as well, so while the father was providing, the mother was holding down the house. Fast forward to today, finances have made it tough for one parent to make the money while the other parent stays home and takes care of the child(ren). If you want evidence of today's children getting too many passes, look around: Children disrespecting their parents to the point of putting their hands on their parents. 
If you were raised by old-school black parents, they'll tell you how a black child wouldn't dare think about disrespecting their parents, let alone raising their hand to them. It wouldn't end well for that child. In my view, society has lost the village concept of raising children, where ALL adults looked out for the children in the neighborhood. If a child was caught misbehaving, that adult corrected the child AND told his/her parents. In 2016, an adult can see a disrespectful child and won't say anything because the parent will be in their feelings. "You don't tell me how to raise my child." From what I see, someone needs to.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.