Mar 21, 2024

Thursday Real Talk

 If someone shows you they don’t rock with you, πŸ›‘ double checking! It takes one time for someone to show me they don’t like me (vice versa), and I move around.

Tera Carissa Hodges: You’re Not Obligated

 You’re not obligated to restore people who did you wrong to get somewhere and now that they’re where they want to be, they want peace.

You’re not obligated to restore people who bad mouthed you when they believed you were doing better than them and now that they’ve improved their circumstances and feel closer to your level, they want to reconnect.

You’re not obligated to restore anyone. 

#Forgiveness doesn’t mean restoration.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.