Sep 9, 2015

Collection Of Real Talk

Cortez Mack- It's a SAD DAY in our society when people are being PUNISHED and PENALIZED for upholding VALUES, and being MORALLY right. And we keep asking, "Where Are The Examples?" for our youth. Well, they are being CRUCIFIED for exemplifying REAL MORAL VALUES. I know none of us are perfect, but a man that doesn't own his mistakes is not a man. Random Pet Peeve: People who are scared to do things by themselves. Vacations, going to events/festivals, etc. You don't need people in order to have fun. Rachael Guelle In the black community, if you don't worship the drug dealers, the gangbangers, the addicts, the deadbeats, the thieves, basically all the vile shit most normal people hate. You are labeled a COON. How dare I want black people to be drug free, not to kill each other, not to abandon our children, not to steal but to work hard for what we need and want. I am obviously a HOUSE NIGGER because I won't spread the lie, that black lives matter. Smh.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.