Sep 12, 2013


Some years ago, Jadakiss dropped a song called Why. He touched on a lot of social issues. This is MY version of Jadakiss' hit song, Why?
Why are some children born with the odds stacked against them?
Why is your family the main ones to hurt you?
Why get married, if you're going to cheat on your spouse?
Why do people smile in your face, then talk smack behind your back?
Why does it seem like the wicked are prospering, whereas upstanding people are struggling to get by?
Why can't black men and women get along?
Why do some people suffer with disabilities?
Why are prisoners treated better than homeless folks on the street?
Why does it seem like the black community leads in negativity, rather than positivity?
People are quick to quote Jesus, but don't live what he preaches about
Why do some women have an entitlement complex?
Why do men and women badmouth each other, then expect to be treated like Kings & Queens?
Why do people complain about one bad break, when they overall had a good start in life?
Why is a man considered a simp if he's respectful to women?
Why do people catch feelings if you give back what they dish out to you?
Why do deadbeat fathers abandon their child(ren)?
Then come back once the child is prospering?
Why do some men concern themselves with a woman's approval?
Why do people sell out for fame & fortune?
You post your drama online, then get upset when people judge you
Why are some of the best TV shows cancelled, and replaced with garbage?
Why do people get caught up, then expect others to bail them out?
The End.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.