Jul 7, 2016

Hillary Clinton: No Charges Filed In E-Mail Investigation

I've never trusted Hillary Clinton from Day 1, and with good reason: She's too secretive. In politics, there is no such thing as privacy because every move you make is open for scrutiny. From the media looking for any reason to showcase faults to opponents waiting for you to slip so they can destroy you, politics is rough. The FBI ordered the release of Hillary Clinton's e-mails, correct? My thing is, why did it take Hillary so long to release the e-mails? Because she's got something to hide. If some people were investigated by the Feds, they should have no problems submitting what the Feds want to know because some people would say, "I've got nothing to hide. They can seek, but they won't find." When FBI Director James Comey said no charges will be sought, two things came to mind: 1. Comey was told to let Hillary off and 2. Hillary probably bribed top federal officials in exchange for no charges being brought forth. 
Donald Trump let loose on Hillary Clinton this morning. He said what many Americans were thinking: Hillary is dishonest, she's not forward enough and we don't need that in a commander-in-chief. I feel this will hurt Hillary's chances for becoming president because if she managed to cover up the e-mail investigation, there's no telling what else she's got to hide. Trump has his faults too, but you know where he stands. He's no-nonsense, and I respect that. Even the public has caught onto her deception, with polls mentioning how conniving she is. If the public realizes how conniving Hillary is, and they vote for her regardless, then they support deception in politics. When you're a politician, you're a public figure. You have no privacy because you have to be in the public eye in order to represent the people.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.