Feb 5, 2014

Men & Women Can('t) Be Friends

How many men are comfortable with their woman having plenty of male friends? Very few, if any. The reason I say that is because men are hunters. We're looking for that weak moment in a woman's life, and once we find it, it's over for her. Think about it, a woman is engaged to be married and she has several close male friends who she's known for years (a few of them she grew up with, and are like brothers to her). She confides in them when she can't talk to her man about what's going on. These men check on her twice a week, comment on her Facebook/Instagram pictures, etc. They've asked her from time to time if she was single, does she see herself with them long-term, and she says yes. Each man adds something of value to her life, which makes it tough for her to choose which friend she would see herself with long-term. The main reason I feel men and women can't be friends is that secretly, men want to sleep with their lady friend(s).
In some circles, if a man is friends with attractive women, he secretly wants to sex them. He'll throw little hints here & there in the form of suggestive comments, flirtatious behavior, doing something extra special for her birthday, etc. That type of behavior is reserved for an exclusive couple. Here's a simple test that men and women can use to test this theory: Let a woman offer her closest male friend sex, and watch how he reacts. If he accepts the offer, the theory is proven that men and women CAN'T be friends. If he refuses, she trusts him not to make a move on her even though she put him in a compromising situation. I'm not saying all men and women can't be friends without sleeping together, but a good portion of them can't. If a man and woman have been friends forever, feelings will develop because of their history together. They've seen each other at their worst and best, know things about each other that they haven't shared with family or other friends, etc.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.