Oct 31, 2012

Relationship Investment

Any smart investor looking to invest in a corporation does their due diligence. They ask the hard questions like "What's my return on investment? Why should I invest in your company as opposed to the others? How does your company stack up against its competitors?" Investors ask these tough questions because they want a return on their investment, which is $$$. If I'm pouring millions into a company then I have a right to ask tough questions because I don't want my money to go to waste. Relationships work the same way. When getting to know a person, you start off with basic conversation like name, where you're from, what are your hobbies, etc. Those are filler questions to get the ball rolling but as you dig deeper, you find out who a person is by how they think. Relationships should be looked at according to business. What is my Return On Investment? Nobody wants to invest in someone that's not going to generate residual income. Men, think of women as potential investments: What value can she add to your life that doesn't already exist? Why should you choose her over the others? Ladies, same thing. If you're investing time into him and you're not getting the right return, get rid of him and find someone that will give you the right return for your investment (which would be time). In a relationship sense, residual income refers to seeing the person blossom into what they're going for. If he wants to be successful, you encourage him to go hard for his and when he makes it, he remembers those who helped him along the way and want them to shine with him.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.