Oct 31, 2023

Change Begets Change: Tera Carissa Hodges

 #100Million When it’s time for you to expand financially, something else must decrease exponentially.

This past weekend I had the absolute pleasure of being included in a private small group coaching session with a woman who has VERIFIABLY made over $100 million US dollars through her LEGITIMATE businesses.

A #woman who has already cleared a million myself (TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!), I was surrounded by other women who have already done the same.

Can I tell ya’ll our conversations were different? 

For eight straight hours we talked LLCs, 

S Corps, sweep accounts, attrition, trusts, 

real estate, you name it!!!

Who go with who, who sleeping with who, 

what somebody heard, what somebody said, 

didn’t come up.

In other words, EVERYBODY ACTED like they had good sense. 

How did I get here?

Besides getting closer to God, I got away from people who spend more time talking about people than they do looking at themselves to identify where they could improve.

I got away from church folks who thought holiness means broke.

I got away from #toxicrelatives who couldn’t see me beyond the 18 year old girl I was when I left to go off to get my FIRST degree. 

(I emphasize first because some of them are so behind the times concerning me, they couldn’t tell you my other alma maters).

I got away from mean girls who are catty and in competition.

I got away from people who preach about God but whose life would make you truly wonder do they know God.

I got away from people who thought no one makes $100,000 a year. 

(I know people personally who clear that a week…

That’s only $5 million a year)

I got away from people who think all successful people sold their souls to get there. 

(No. GOD still holds the power to give us wealth…#namethatverse).

What am I saying?

There’s a reason just about everybody in the Bible who walked in #wealth had to walk away from people…

Ask Abraham! (Genesis 12)

And the further you get away from them, 

you understand it wasn’t the person God was getting you away from as much as it was their #mentality.

I don’t know who all I’m talking to or who all will receive it but when you want CHANGE 

(money, wealth, overflow, increase) YOU must change (behavior, atmosphere, mentality, environment).

Change creates change…

Don’t ever forget that!

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.