Jun 30, 2015

He Feels Stuck

When it comes to relationships, it's important to choose the right person or you'll have the same issue as this person. This woman and her man have been together for a little over a year, and they have a child together. Both of them work, but her gripe with him was that he acts like a child. Call me crazy, but a working man is far from a child because he's taking care of a family. Meanwhile, he's entitled to down time, especially after a long day of getting money for his family. He smokes, drinks, invites his friends over, all of which are to his wife's disapproval. My view is this: On days when his boys are over, maybe she could do something with her girlfriends: Have a ladies' day out where it's just her and the womenfolk kekeing about their men (chances are, some of her girlfriends are probably single, but that's another topic), going shopping & out for drinks; you know, stuff women do when they get together. A man is allowed to kick back as he sees fit, especially if he's a good provider for his family. The only way I can see where his kicking back could be an issue is if he throws away money on his leisure; and he and his woman start arguing. Other than that, it's nothing to be in your feelings over. In closing, maybe he could feel stuck with her. Maybe she's being too demanding for some reason, and he's starting to check out of the relationship. I don't see the issue here: He has a job, taking care of his, etc. What more does she want from him?

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.