Aug 28, 2013

Men Could Care Less: By Lotus


Most men really don't care how many degrees you have. It does make you valuable to your employer, not as much to your man. If you don't know your role and can't play your position, he couldn't care less. If you're constantly throwing up your degrees in the face of every man you meet, is there any wonder you're single? If submission is brought up, there are women that love to counter and call it slavery. Yet, they have no problem being a "slave" to that career but can't submit to their man. If you are lacking the necessary prowess to be a good mother and wife, how valuable are you in your marriage and/or relationship? Men are interested in what kind of partner you will be. They want to know if you are a nurturing woman capable of embracing your role as the first teacher of the children and capable of properly caring for them. They are interested in knowing if you can take a house and make it into a home. And they need to understand that you can feed their soul with love and nourish their body with a meal. For some, an appraisal is long overdue, because you may not be as valuable as you think you are. The "depreciated value" just might shock you.

My $.02: It's one thing to be proud of your education, but to rub it in a man's face is lame. Some women have a Master's Degree, but they can't cook. They have a Ph.D in Bioscience, but they don't know what it takes to keep a man. Where they do that at?

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.