Feb 15, 2020

Why are so many Christians leaving 'churches'?

This video sheds light on why some Christians leave churches. They're not leaving their faith, but they're leaving organized religion for various reasons. Some Christians leave their church because they're not fed spiritually, others leave because they're maturing in their faith so they don't need a pastor spoonfeeding the Word to them, and there are Christians who leave churches because they're disgusted with how worldly the church has become. There are many reasons, but I feel the aforementioned reasons rank among the top reasons Christians leave the church. The decision to leave church should NOT be taken lightly because it has serious spiritual consequences for the believer. A believer that leaves the church loses accountability; they don't have fellow believers to rebuke them (in love) if they fall into sin. That believer isn't able to tithe; the Bible mandates Christians to give 10% of their income so there's meat in the storehouse. Without a church home, how can a Christian tithe? They could tithe to a Christian ministry or organization.

Without a solid spiritual foundation, Christians who leave church later leave their faith. This is because many believers haven't developed their own relationship with Jesus outside the church. Many don't pray or study God's word unless their pastor tells them to. I call these believers baby Christians because they are dependent on a Bible teacher to give them God's word. A baby Christian is someone who just came to Christ and has yet to mature in their faith. Sadly, there are Christians who have been in church 20+ years and still drink the milk of God's word. Those Christians should stay in church because their faith isn't strong enough to help them weather life's storms. As believers mature in their walk with God, they should desire the meat of the Word. It's the "meat" that gives you the strength to withstand life's storms. Seasoned believers understand the meat of God's word. Seasoned Christians can leave the church and still maintain their relationship with Christ. They study God's word, they pray & meditate regularly, plus they tithe to a Christian ministry. Because seasoned Christians have left the church, their relationship with Christ has grown because they're committed to going deeper in God. By diving into God's word, they discover God in ways like never before.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.