Jan 5, 2013

A Happy Home

Most people really never take into consideration just how influential the function of the home is to raising children. Maybe this is due to most of us for the last 3-4 generations all come from broken and unconventional homes ourselves and feel as though we are ourselves well adjusted. When in fact we can all learn something from ourselves and our upbringing.

It takes courage to "look within" and I am realizing that although it has become "fashionable" to do this, very few learn from it.

Mate Stealing

I've heard of instances where people have stolen someone's man or woman. Can you "steal" someone's mate? It depends on your definition. Some people say it's possible for you to steal another person's mate and others say your mate was attracted to someone else and decided to start a new relationship with them. Some   people love hard so they can't fathom another person taking their man/woman. I feel like this: If another person steals your mate, LET THEM GO! There's millions of other men and women in the world, why stress over the loss of one? Sure, (s)he may have been the one for you, but if they allowed an outsider to steal them away, they weren't right for you to begin with. A loyal woman or man would not allow themselves to be stolen. Even if you steal someone away, what does that prove? It proves that he/she wasn't right for you like you thought. Let the other person have your trash while you go for your treasure. Many times, the person who allegedly "stole" your man or woman is doing you a favor because they are responsible for the drama, not you. If they stole your (wo)man, they can have them. People need to realize that you can't keep what doesn't want to be kept. You can give your mate the best of you and they still leave. It sucks, but that's life. Not everyone is right for each other. When you meet someone that's RIGHT for you, you'll look back and say "It was a blessing in disguise." I refuse to force a woman to be with me. If she wants to be with me, great, we'll make it happen and if not, exit stage left. Richard doesn't chase after any woman and I'm not about to start now.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.