Nov 10, 2021

Ahmaud Arbery: No Justice, No Peace

 Repost from Jay Hamilton McCoy Esq:

Just saw the prosecutor’s opening statement in the “MURDERERS of Ahmaud Arbery” trial (if we are being objective here).  

This trial is going to be hard to watch, mainly because we all know good and dayum well that this Brutha was lynched for BEING BLACK in white spaces and nothing more. Yet, we finna hear every justification for his death... every character attack... every prior bad act he has allegedly done since grade school... all to justify murdering a Black man in cold blood while also on video (just like Bro. Floyd).

What makes this even more tragic is that I can’t even assure y’all that these guys will be found guilty.  Every Black person in America knows what I am saying to be true.  Our violent deaths are par for the course in a Country built on the concept that a Black man is a tool and not a person. 

But because so many of y’all rely on me for the information on these legal cases, I’ll do my best.  Just know that there is always a cost to this whether you see it or not.





My Thoughts: This brother said it all. Let’s say the McMichaels and Bryant get off; They will have to stay within the confines of their neighborhood because if they go anywhere else in Brunswick, and a pissed off black person sees them, it’s on sight. They will need their guns for the mob of angry black folks if they get off. Honestly, I don’t see why there’s a trial. The video shows it clear as day: It was an execution, period.🤷🏾‍♂️Then again, I’m aware the system was never for us blacks, so should I be surprised? No. That’s what being woke does, it opens your eyes to cold🥶 truths.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.