Jan 28, 2020

Running The House From Jail/Prison

This is a good topic for discussion. Can a man still be head of the house while incarcerated? My answer is no because a leader is hands-on; he's there to lead by example. Yes, he may make sure his family is taken care of financially, but he's not there for key events in his child(ren)'s life. I see why most people say when a parent is incarcerated, the family serves their sentence with them. The incarcerated parent misses out on a lot, and it's tough on children who have to see their parent from behind bars. At the same time, the child learns what NOT to do. They learn from their parent's mistake(s) that landed them behind bars, and hopefully won't repeat the cycle. It's tough to lead from behind bars.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.