Jun 12, 2022

Preying at the Pulpit

Preying At The Pulpit sums up the sex abuse that's rampant in Christianity. Now, some people will pin this on Catholics, but American pastors aren't immune from sexually abusing young children. This needs to be exposed because churches are supposed to be a safe haven for children to be taught the Word, but somehow pedophiles creeped into the church and victimized children. My heart goes out to the sexual abuse victims at the hands of "Men Of God". To me, sexual violations against children should be unforgivable because these are children. To use a position of authority to hurt children is the lowest thing anyone can do, but it happens. Church leaders who are guilty of sex abuse against children should be exposed and outcasted. Should there be any surprise from believers that unsaved folks want nothing to do with the church? NO. R.W. Schambach said it best: The church has become worldly, and the world has become like the church. You can't tell them apart. That quote has become more relevant everyday.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.