Apr 2, 2022

Handling Success

People who appreciate success are humble. They remember the struggle to get where they're at today, so they don't take their success for granted like some people. It's said that success doesn't change the person, it changes the people around them. I think it's true because when someone reaches a level of success, the people around them start acting brand new: Wanting nice clothes, car, all of a sudden they're into high-end foods, etc. The richest people in the world have nothing to prove. They can afford nice things, but they choose not to because why spend money trying to impress those you don't know or care for? Makes no sense. Truth be told, if God sees fit for me to become successful, I promise you I will remain the same. Drive the same car, live in the same home, shop at Ross, etc. I will not waste time impressing strangers by wearing nice clothes & driving a Tesla. I've never put on airs nor will I ever. Whatever wealth I achieve, I'm thinking of ways to increase it so I can give back. Unfortunately, everyone can't handle success because some of them still find a way to screw up. Look at professional athletes who get in legal trouble, celebrities with substance abuse issues, etc. These are supposed "role models" and here they are fouling up. You learn a lot about people by how they handle their success. 

Saturday Message: The Devil Will Make A Fool Out Of Anyone Who Lets Him

This continues to be true. When someone gets jammed up, the enemy is sitting back laughing at them. That's why it's better to live for God than for the devil because living for Satan, you'll get caught up every time. Living for God, you have a way out of predicaments. Because we have free will to choose, we can choose to let the devil clown us or...we can choose to serve God.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.