May 24, 2013

No To Bitterness: Sister Nojma

Let me tell you what type of woman I am. You can not and will not be successful trying to get me to hate my Brothers. You can't make me hate him, by talking about the rapes that take place in our community, because I was raped. You can't make me hate him by talking about fatherless homes, because my father wasn't present in my life. You can't make me hate him by talking about the domestic abuse that takes place, because I was in an abusive relationship. You can't make me hate or group all black men in a category based on the action of SOME.

I REFUSE to lace both my mental or physical womb with BITTERNESS and I hope many others will follow suit. I don't want my son to be the recipient of a young woman raised, formed and fashioned in her mother's bitterness. I don't want my son already labeled and packaged before he has a chance to even introduce himself.

My View: If you don't know, Sister Nojma is a very intelligent woman who posts intellectual statements on her page, Nojma Reflects (If you have a Facebook account, look up Nojma Reflects and like her page.) If it were up to me, I would take her genetic makeup and clone her 100 times over. This way, every man that's looking for a good woman would have no problem landing someone like Sister Nojma. She's telling women to stop making good men pay for the mistakes of their ex. It's not his fault she was done wrong in the past by the men in her life. No man wants to deal with a bitter woman, and by right he shouldn't. Sad to say, the majority dictates the whole (in some women's eyes.) If the majority of men in a woman's life are doggish, then that's all she knows so in a way, she can't be expected to cherish a good man who wants to do right by her.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.