Dec 23, 2012

She Wants That Thug Lovin'

It never ends with some women, does it? She wants a thug because he can "handle her" He'll handle her alright; in the form of two black eyes and a couple bruises. If she likes to be smacked around, who are we to judge? True, but the problem is thug loving women get hurt to the core so they come to their senses and realize they want a good man. Too late to ask for a good man after he went upside your head. Even if she was able to land a good man, he'd quickly get tired of her baggage; holding him responsible for the wrongs of her ex(es). So to all women who are in love with thugs: Since you want a thug so much, here's your icepack & crutches, plus gauze and some bandages and march right on over to Tyrone & Ray Ray. Don't think about coming back to the other side asking for a good man once he does you wrong. Too late, you should've gone for the stand-up guys who have their affairs in order.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.