Dec 3, 2022

Question Of The Day: Mannie Miller


I think many married couples want singles to experience the joys of marriage: Spending your life with someone who brings out the best in you, so I get why many people think marriage is everyone's end game, but...there are those who used to want marriage until they saw what their parents and other loved ones went through, and they were turned off by that. It takes maturity to deal with the rough times in marriage, and everyone's not cut out for that. Some people have no business being married, and that's fine. Everyone isn't cut out for married life because either they can't find the right person or they don't want the work that comes with making a marriage last; it's not my responsibility to judge. I used to want marriage, but my eyes were open to the reality and now...I'm fine with single life. I move how I want on my time & not someone else's, and I don't check with anyone before I make a decision. I've read many articles of spouses becoming disabled and the person they married ends up bouncing because it's too much work caring for a disabled spouse, but let people tell it...marriage is so great. Then there's the divorce rate: 50% of first marriages end in divorce (of that percentage, women initiate the majority of divorces), and that percentage increases with subsequent marriages. Some marriages are successful because the couple refuses to let anything destroy what God put together. Confession: It would take A LOT, and I mean A LOT for me to trade the single life for married life, because when you're married, you can't think of self, you have to consider the impact of your decisions on your family.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.