Apr 1, 2022


 If I asked several people, I'd get several different answers. In a relationship, protection means providing guidance and advice to avoid potentially dangerous situations. Protection for me would be either removing, or never placing myself and my spouse in a bad situation, while having the ability to react if those options are not available. Last but not least, protection means being able to see down the line & always...always have your partner's best interest in mind.

Today's Thought

 As a Christian, I feel like the book of Revelation is unfolding before us. It shouldn’t be shocking, either, given the state of immorality in our world. Every day, the boundaries of sin seem to be pushed further and further. The line between right and wrong has slowly been erased by society, television, pop culture, entertainment.

Witchcraft, spiritualism, “New Age” belief systems are being celebrated and exalted. Abortions, literal baby murders, are called a “right” and are supported by so many. We have been removed further from the world God created and intended.

We need to take this time to re-evaluate ourselves. We need to prepare and repent. Jesus will return like a thief in the night. People are dying left and right. Will I be one of them? Will you? Are we ready? This is a fantastic wake-up call, and I am taking it so seriously. I want to go home to my Father when my time is up.

Until The Lord calls me away from this world to the next, I want to make it clear that I believe in Jesus Christ as the true Lord and Savior. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, was sacrificed on the cross, died for our sins, and rose again. He loves us all dearly (far more than we deserve) and forgives our sins if we are in repentance. His Word says "whosoever believeth in Me, should not perish but have everlasting life”.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.