Mar 26, 2012

Is Marriage Dead?

Is marriage dead? I want to say no but looking at long-term unmarried couples who in many cases stay together longer than most marrieds, I'm inclined to say yes. Cohabitation seems to be the new marriage nowadays because there's an upward trend of couples staying together for long periods of time without tying the knot. Whether it's right or wrong remains to be seen. From a Biblical standpoint, shacking up is wrong but from a cultural standpoint, it makes sense. One argument for cohabitation is that you can see the true essence of a person because you're around them 24-7. You see them at their best & worst. Another argument for co-habitation is when the going gets tough, both parties are free to leave without the legal/financial ramifications. I think most people want to keep the option of leaving open, which is why they opt for cohabitation rather than marriage. In marriage, when the going gets tough, you tend to try your hardest to make it work especially since you have years invested in the relationship. Shackers can easily say "Look, I'm sick of this, I'm out". Marriage is a beautiful thing when you find Mr. or Mrs. Right but the reality is, many people marry for the wrong reasons. They didn't take the time to thoroughly screen a person. Start off as friends and see where that goes. Most people look at the outside rather than the inside. Let's be real, nobody wants to deal with someone at their worst. People love their man/woman when they're acting right. When life hits, that love is tested. That so-called Mr(s) Right could turn into Mr(s) Wrong later down the line & you're looking crazy because you got married under false pretenses. The following link supports my argument: Don't get me wrong, marriage is beautiful because there's nothing like waking up every day to that special man or woman, having someone to confide in that will have your back through thick and thin. That feeling is priceless.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.