Jan 3, 2012

I'm So Tired Of Being Alone

All of us desire to find love, whether we want to admit it or not. This is because humans were created for companionship. Relationships are at the essence of human existence. Relationships can be wonderful if you find Mr. or Ms.Right, but they can suck if you are with Mr. or Ms.Wrong. When you're single, you can do what, when and how you want with no one to answer to. Most people like the freedom that singleness brings, others are on the fence; they like being solo but they want someone to share their life with. I venture to think most of us are a mixture of being on the fence and contentment with being solo. I'm more of a mixture because while I hope to find Ms.Right someday, I also appreciate having the freedom to do what I want without having to consider another person's thoughts or feelings. At the same time, I've always said that if God sees fit for me to be in a relationship, he will send Ms.Right my way and it will be a love story far better than I can imagine. If he doesn't, it wasn't meant to be and I'm ok with that. Many single people are so lonely that they are willing to take any and everyone at their word without REALLY getting to know someone. They haven't learned how to be alone because if they have, they would realize that in order to be happy with someone, you must learn how to be alone. If you can't be happy by yourself, you cannot expect to be happy with another person. Besides, as long as you have a good support system (friends & family, your ambition) then you're good. A relationship should compliment your life, not be a crutch. It's easy to understand why many people are lonely because there's so much emphasis on getting married and having a family that if someone deviates from the norm, it's like they have something wrong with them. It boils down to self-esteem because many people are dependent on another for happiness when that shouldn't be the case. You shouldn't need another person to make you happy, you should be happy within yourself. Once you are happy within, being happy with another person will surely follow. This is like people who say "you complete me." So you're saying you were incomplete in some way before you met him/her? People should already be complete within themselves. It's when you're complete within yourself, that another person can truly...truly compliment your life.

You know I have to do it....

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.