Oct 1, 2015

Top 5 Tweets: Week of 9/27

Check out Richard's Gospel

Blessed By Satan

Reposting the following FB message from one of my Facebook friends Kendra Winters:

Good Morning Facebook!

If your "Blessings" are causing you more stress than strength - than you just might have been "Blessed" by satan and not God!
She's on point with this stat because a lot of people think blessings come from God, which they do. The enemy also blesses his people. The difference is that Satan's blessings come with a price. The enemy will never give anyone anything without some kind of attachment, and that attachment is your soul. God's blessings come with no strings attached. The only condition God places on his blessings is obedience; if you do what he commands, blessings flow by default. See, most people don't have the discernment to separate God's blessings from Satan's, and that's what gets people in trouble. Someone can go through life never having heard about Jesus, live the most blessed life possible and think God had something to do with it. Sometimes, that's true because God will freely bless his children and unsaved folks. If you really dig deep, the enemy is the culprit behind their good fortune because he wants their soul in exchange for fame & fortune. Once you sell your soul to the enemy, it's a wrap. You have aligned yourself with Satan so you have to do his bidding. If not, he takes away his blessing and throws you away. Like my friend Kendra stated, if your blessings cause you more stress than strength, then you were "blessed" by Satan. Satan's blessings are counterfeit, God's blessings add no sorrow with it.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.