Sep 23, 2022

Do White People Understand White Privilege?

Earlier today, I watched a Netflix documentary on White Privilege by Chelsea Handler. It was a good documentary that shed light on what I already know: White privilege exists whether whites want to admit it or not. Let's be real, the reason some whites won't admit white privilege exists is because they're beneficiaries. They were born into advantages that minorities are fighting for to this day. Think about it: A white person can be wanted for a felony & get pulled over by the law, and almost get off scot free, whereas a black person wanted for a felony can comply with the officer, and still run the risk of being shot. Truthfully, I understand some blacks' frustration and lack of desire to educate some whites on their privilege because many of them won't admit it, and that's fine. They don't need to admit their privilege, but smart blacks know what it is. This is another conversation, but I don't buy these white allies standing alongside blacks criticizing white supremacy & systemic racism because to me, they're trying to get points. Were they on the front lines risking their lives during the height of white supremacy & racial injustice? NO. 
P.S: Personally, all prejudice fools (white and black) can go to hell with gasoline draws on.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.