Aug 14, 2012

Dealing With Someone's Baggage

Everyone has baggage, it's just a matter of finding someone that cares enough to help you unpack. FALSE! Sensible people do not have baggage, nor should they have to take on someone's issues. Most baggage you created is by yourself. Before you think about getting involved with someone, leave your baggage at the terminal. Better yet, don't bring your baggage anywhere NEAR the terminal. Throw away your baggage where it can be lost forever. I'm aware that everyone is dealing with some type of issue but for me, it's not so much the issue, it's that they refuse to acknowledge the flaw and take corrective measures so they don't run a good man/woman off. Let's be real, nobody in their right mind would (or should) be responsible for another adult. I don't have time to do what her parents should've done, which is prepare her for life. I have issues I'm dealing with myself but the difference is...I recognize them and take corrective action. I want to be the best man I can be for my lady (whoever she is) and most of all, myself. I can't get older and not having grown from my 20's & 30's; that's sad. Women are good for this because they expect a man to deal with her problems but she's quick to check him on his issue. See the hypocrisy in this scenario? Why should a man have to deal with a woman's baggage but she won't deal with his? That's flaw to me and is one of the reasons why I'm single because a woman will not be my project; I will not take on the burden of fixing her up into the woman I want her to be. She should have herself together before I get involved with her. Once I get involved with a woman, it's full speed ahead. What I mean is that I want us to move forward as a couple and in order for us to move forward as a couple, ALL our baggage must be left at the terminal. It's not to say that we won't have issues as a couple because we will; it's just that the issues won't be as bad because we would have a long heart-to-heart discussion about our vision for the relationship. You have some men and women that take on their mate as a project, they work through each other's faults and with enough progress, their mate blossoms into the man/woman they were intended to be. A woman would have to be very special for me to overlook her baggage; those women do exist and require special care. I can work with a woman's baggage as long as she's willing to acknowledge her issue(s) and take corrective action. Here's the irony: Some women expect men to deal with their craziness but won't tolerate a fraction of his issue(s). That won't fly with me because I'll tell any woman off top: There's no shame in having baggage; the shame lies in using your baggage as a crutch to feel sorry for yourself.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.