May 6, 2014


If President Obama signed a marriage bill eliminating divorce; the bill stated you could get married once, would you support?
I welcome this idea, because it would force people to choose their mate carefully. People would actually have to focus on someone's inner rather than outer beauty. It's ridiculous that it would take a bill being signed to get people to think beyond the outer, but if that's what it takes, I'm for it. Relationships are a hot topic for many people, and all you have to do is go on social media and read some people's comments. Some people require the world of someone, but aren't willing to offer in return. I've said this before, and I'll say it again: You can't require what you aren't giving. If you're not on point, how can you expect someone else to be on point? The more I read about relationships, the more I believe it would be great if President Obama signed a marriage bill eliminating divorce. People wouldn't divorce for stupid reasons, and some folks would put thought into who they decide to marry. Faith would be restored in the institution of marriage.
I can see why some people would be against it. It doesn't give abused (wo)men a way out. They would be forced to endure hell in their relationships. Victims could try another way of escape, but if their efforts were unsuccessful, they're stuck. I think this should apply to women, since they're the primary initiators of divorce. Let's be honest, some women see marriage as a business contract, what they can get out of it. Also, marriages could drop if people knew they couldn't escape. After careful thought, some people would realize they aren't cut out for marriage. The premise behind this is to get people to think long & hard about marriage; question your motives behind tying the knot. Is it for companionship, or benefits?

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.