Jul 23, 2014

Straight From The Heart

1. Honestly, some people are so damaged that they don't deserve love. They would find a way to sabotage the blessing God has sent in their lives.
2. Some people refuse to be happy, no matter how much you encourage them. The best thing you can do is pray for them and leave them to God. Only God can fix issues.
3. Sometimes, a good (wo)man is sent in your life to help you be a better (wo)man for someone else.
4. Once upon a time, being a side woman was frowned upon, now that's embraced. #TimesHaveChanged
5. No matter how you slice it, a woman will always be looked down on for having multiple sex partners. 
6. Contrary to popular belief, a man ho is just as worse. There's no telling what some of these fass women are carrying, and he's gonna stick his beefcake in her.
7. It's funny that people have no use for you, once you stop letting people use you. Good riddance.
8. Mama Dee (Love & Hip Hop Atlanta) is taking this palace thing a little too serious. Bless her heart.
9. Just because a man is successful and educated, has his stuff together and wants to remain single, doesn't mean he's afraid of committment. He sees the poor character that some women possess, and would rather not deal.
10. Seriously, the violence in Chicago is getting to be too much. Can't Chicago officials get a handle on the violence? I see why Chicago is called Chiraq.
11. You're likely to get more out of God's word if you do independent study combined with corporate worship.
12. I don't care how it's done, but Tallahassee needs to find a way to bring big corporations here. This way , we retain our college graduates. We've suffered from brain drain for far too long.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.