Mar 21, 2013

Men: The Difference Between Simping & Loving Your Woman

A lot of men get confused between simping, and showing your woman love. Many men believe that simping is respecting your woman who goes out of her way to keep him happy. That's not the case. Here is more gospel from Stop Simping Movement:
You're not a simp or simping because you love your women.

Stop with all that!

I see brothers say they have a woman and they Simp to her sometimes & really you don't know what a simp is.

You aren't a simp for loving a woman or giving her gifts, treating her special etc.

You're a simp when you're doing for a woman WHO IS NOT, I repeat NOT your woman & doesn't care about you.

If you're in a relationship and you're doing most of the loving and respect, gift giving then you're henpecked brah, basically a simp in a relationship or a simp in a tux if you're married. A Simp with a wedding ring. You're not a rare Pokemon and your woman caught you.

Love, respect and Treating someone special should be done EQUALLY. For it to be 100/70 is pretty much simping.

If the woman is not your woman than it's 100/0 and you're 100% simping brah. If you got a woman who's trying to make you happy how is it simping? (Rhetorical).

Another thing is, dudes are out here messing up the game by treating brawds any kind of way, & she's giving the dude 100% cooperation & submission you put a black eye on the game by firing a woman for bull.

Back on the OG topic, it's cool to love a woman trying to make you happy, breathe easy.

How can you not love a woman trying to make you happy? She treats you like her king, your happiness is paramount to her.

Dudes out here be falling head over heels for hoes & smuts who can't buy you a Burger and shake. Women make no type of investment in you, & you ready to waltz down the aisle. Ain't that some mess? She doesn't love you or show you any kind of respect at the very least, she has done no kind of actions to back up her mouth. DROP THAT WOMAN!! Fire her.

Loving a woman who loves you and makes you happy isn't pandering or simping.

Long as she is doing what's she is supposed to do...

You can love your woman.

Leave the women who don't care about you to the birds.

Manhood: By Stop Simping Movement

This was too good NOT to share. Some men have lost their way as to what manhood is all about. This brother here laid the smack down on these soft men.
I'll leave you all with this...

Manhood is not defined by what you do for women or how you treat women. You could be the baddest man on the entire planet, and still be a man.

Manhood is defined by the individual. The man. Not women. Women don't know nothing about manhood. Responsibility & being accountable for your actions are part of manhood, and I really can't take women who mismanaged their private parts seriously on responsibility & accountability. Especially, if you're a woman who has children outside of wedlock, and says it takes two to tango. When it comes time for you to take your share of the blame, & think you can raise men. You don't know the first thing about responsibility, otherwise you would have done it right the first time, moving on.

Manhood is defined by you standing on your principles. Being honorable, no cowards allowed. Respecting yourself as a man, if it doesn't sit well within your gut, don't do it, trust your gut. Having some balls, no second guessing yourself son. Walking like a man no matter what comes your way, you look it in the eyes, you continue to stare into the abyss, while everyone else looks away. Handle your responsibilities, never run unless it's to live to fight another day & when that day comes, you fight better and stronger than ever. Value yourself as a man. Some of these women don't deserve to be carriers of our children. Stick by your word, be truthful, only liars are fearful.

Be the best in the world at what you do. Don't compromise the man for anybody, stand on your on two feet & stand on your principles. Forget society, it is your father who abandoned you when you needed it most. Society favors it's daughters and not us, it's sons but it's ok. We never needed a society. A sence of intense passion rushes over the man who can say; "Forget it, forget being accepted, I am my own man, I am only worried about me, and those who are with me, I am the man" as you walk down the street with this knowledge in tow, you may start to get a cocky grin. I know I do.


Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.