Oct 23, 2015

When You Keep Quiet (Pt. 2)

When you keep quiet, you learn a lot about yourself. Today I learned that I can write about any subject, even if it may not interest me. As an aspiring professional blogger/writer, I feel this skill is important because anyone who's writing for a major publisher will be called upon to write about stuff they may not be passionate about. The only alternative is to do freelance writing, in which you can choose your writing jobs. From a blogger perspective, my writing is versatile: I can write on any topic, write on YouTube videos (anyone who's followed my website long enough knows that I've written several blogs based on YouTube videos), do book reviews, or I can write on Christianity. If you give me a topic, I'll give you 16 lines of commentary, double that if I really like the topic.
What I WON'T do is write about filth. There's enough sexual writing out there for those who are into that, but not me. I like my blogs to be clean, but real in nature so some subjects are off limits to me. There are times where I do encouraging blogs, and times where I get real, but I will never write about sex or ratchet behavior because that's not my style. I'm sure if I wrote craziness, my blog website would get 1,000,000+ hits in a few hours, but I don't want that kind of notoriety. It's good to know that God's blessed you with a talent, even better when you're intent on using that talent to glorify God. I wonder what I'll learn next.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.