Apr 22, 2022

Political Correctness: Christian Perspective


Disclaimer: Christians are sin-prone just like the rest of the world, but those who identify with Christ are called to put sin on blast, regardless of who's slighted. I don't want to hear nothing about removing the log from your eye before you remove the speck from your brother's. This isn't the post.

Maybe it's me, but I think some of today's Christians have gotten soft. Some of them are scared to call out sin because they don't want to upset people trapped in their sin. My question is: By co-signing sinners, are we doing them justice? No. By co-signing sin, we're giving them permission to stay in their condition. There's a reason why old-school minister RW Schambach said "The world has become like the church, and the church has become like the world. Problem is you can't tell them apart." I'm understanding more what RW Schambach meant by that statement because it seems like Christians are focused on popularity than standing for Christ. You can love people, but love them enough to lead them to Christ. Sometimes that means checking them, but if they feel it's done out of love, they'll respond favorably. Jesus didn't care nothing about being political correctness, he was about his Father's business.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.