Dec 19, 2014

Know Your Role: By Ms. Trina BabyTee Rogers

Trina BabyTee Rogers
13 hrs · Edited
I had a rather eye-opening conversation with a young lady whom I met through a good male friend. He asked me to talk to her about her attitude towards men. (For those who know me, I gladly obliged.) She initiated the conversation with the typical anthem of "independent woman", "I don't need a man who can't understand how important I am and value my royal essence by doing what I tell him to do!" (Sigh) I asked her if she is in a relationship now. No? Has she been in a relationship recently? Yes, bad as usual. What was the cause of the breakup? Him. In what way? He couldn't give me what I needed, Which was: Support my needs. Support how? Pay for it. She then proceeded to tell me how she can finance her own lifestyle but a man is SUPPOSED to do it. I asked her what she had accomplished so far, bachelor's degree in accounting, own home, no kids, nice car. I asked her how hard she had to work for those things. She recalled her struggle to work to pay for school, being discriminated against before finally being approved for her home and no one in her family there for her. Listened intently hoping something would click for her but it didn't, so I had to do it for her. I told her I applaud her for her tenacity and determination to achieve those accolades but why would you not give the same effort to a deserving man to have a good relationship? (Silence) Anything worth having is worth working for. You gave so much of yourself to achieve those other things why wouldn't you give that much for man? He isn't the only one who needs to put forth an effort to make it work. What you have accomplished doesn't make you caring, loving, respectful, honest, trustworthy or beautiful inside or out. A college education can't teach you how to love a man. A house doesn't mean you know how to make it a home for a man. A nice car doesn't mean you know how to make a man feel like a man. What you think about yourself is important to you, but it doesn't mean everyone else feel the same way. I would believe you don't need a man if that wasn't the first thing out of your mouth. The attitude and demeanor you display makes you unattractive to men and if you don't change it, you will be alone and end up old and bitter later in life. At this point she became thoroughly upset with me and said I don't know her or nothing about her life. I told her I didn't need to and what I said is completely based off of the information she initially gave me. I concluded with I don't believe you would be this mad if the stuff I said wasn't true. The truth hurts and it's not too late to fix it. You can say you don't need a man, but from your frustration with what I said, you damn sure want one. Just remember, the next one can't be treated like the last one. You had a part in the break up too. Men want women who know their role and can play it well!

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.