Jan 29, 2016

I Got You

How many times have you or I heard this statement? Thousands, I'm sure. People say they got you, and forget about you. You're on good terms with someone so you feel you can count on them in need (vice versa). Some people mean well when they say they "got you", but people are human; they'll fail you sometimes. The same way people will fail you, is the same way you'll fail people sometimes. I feel people shouldn't say they got you if they don't mean it, because there will come a time where you will be tested on that statement. Anyone can say they "got you", the test is proving it. When your friend calls you at midnight asking for prayer on a big decision they're faced with, do you oblige or go to bed and have them call you tomorrow? Or what about when your spouse is home sick, but you and your friends are hitting the city on Friday night? Unless you can back it up, it's probably best if you don't say "I got you."

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.