May 28, 2014

Strapped Up In My City

It's funny when some ghetto brothers flex like they're the only ones strapped up with a weapon in their city. When some of these guys talk like this, I laugh on the inside because anyone who's lived in the inner-city knows that every man is strapped with a weapon, what makes the next guy special? There's a saying that rings so true: The loudest one in the room, is the weakest one in the room. If you're talking this, this and that, you better be able to back it up, or you will look crazy. Honestly, I feel sorry for the next generation coming up because you have 11-13 year old kids carrying machine guns being quick to spray. Listening to hood rap, you'd swore these artists make it seem glamorous, but it's not. There's nothing rewarding about having to tote a Desert Eagle or an AK to protect yourself. When you're living foul, those are the precautions you have to take. You make a lot of enemies when you're living the thug life.
Many people who walk around talking about how strapped they are suffer from Big Balls Syndrome. Everybody's a tough guy when they're toting an AK or 9mm, but you take away their weapons and they're soft as tissue paper. These men are looking for a reason for someone to get wrong so they can smoke them. People walking around with guns shouldn't be allowed because many people have too much attitude, and one wrong move or perceived slight can be deadly. It's almost not worth it to engage physical contact with a person because if you win, they can come back and shoot you. It's easy to hide behind that assault rifle or 9, but without that weapon, we'll find out what your hands are made of. Back in the day, you didn't have this stuff to worry about, but now...times have changed. It's always the big-city ghetto folk who talk about being strapped in their city. It's a badge of honor for them, because they have nothing else going on in their lives.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.