Nov 17, 2014

When I Shine, You Shine

@iDespiseJobz: Keep close the friends who were broke right alongside you, then take them with you on the come πŸ‘† #EatWithWhoYouStarvedWith πŸ’―πŸ“ #fb

The above tweet came from Norm J. Blunt, a Facebook friend as well as someone I follow on Twitter.  My Twitter and Facebook pages are nothing but positivity, because there's too much ratchetness on social media, and I won't cloud my mind with that nonsense. Anyway, people have their nerve wanting to eat at your table when they weren't starving with you. Where do they do that at? It's that entitlement mentality of some people that irks me, and is exactly why I'm cautious of who I let in. Why eat off someone's plate when you can get your own food? What I mean by that is that there's more than enough success to go around, so instead of riding someone's coattails, get yours for yourself. Success differs for everyone, so what one person considers successful, may not be what another considers successful and that's ok. If I'm building a dynasty & it finally blows up, I'm remembering those who helped me build. THEY are the ones that will eat at my table, not the leeches. There aren't too many people you can call a friend because you don't know their agenda. Even your closest friend(s) have an agenda, they just haven't told you about it because they don't want you to think they're your friend just because you're doing well for yourself. In closing, only your loved ones should be able to share in your blessing because they've stood by you all the way. Your loved ones knew you before you blew up, and it's foul to forget about those who supported you from Day 1. I hate to see people become rich & famous and then that fame & fortune changes them. They forget about those who encouraged them to keep hustling when they wanted to quit.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.