Jul 9, 2014

Men Are Afraid Of Committment

Women say men are afraid of committment, and it's true. Men are afraid of committing to a lifetime of aggravation. If a man sees a potential problem woman, he will cut her loose before she has a chance to poison him. By poison, I mean picking arguments for no reason. Think about it: From the time a man steps outside the door, the world is against him. He's got to deal with issues from his job, family, child(ren) (if he has any), etc. A man wakes up having to do battle, so the last thing a man wants is another fight with his woman. I mentioned this in a previous Facebook stat for women, but it applies to men: Home should be your one place of escape from all the craziness of society. If a man can't have peace in his own home, where can he have peace? A man has no problem committing to a good woman because he knows she will be his refuge. She will be the one getting him back on track if he slips, and she will admonish him in love if he starts acting foolish. The only woman a man won't commit to is a Jezebel.
Destiny Bennett-Whiteside Ok, if that's the case then why do some men waste his and the woman's time if they feel she is going to bring him a lifetime of aggravation?
My answer: Many men are too busy trying to save some of these reprobates. Most men are caught up in her curves and cute face, that they forget to look deeper. That involves observing her character. What's her heart like instead of what's her booty like? Men are visual creatures, it's in us to be drawn to a shapely woman. The difficulty for a lot of men is looking past her shapely figure and getting to know her. How does she treat loved ones? Do her colleagues speak higly of her? Does she have common sense? How's her relationship with her father? Just like a man's mother is the first woman in his life, a woman's father is the first man in her life. If her and dad aren't on good terms, that could be a problem because she won't know how to appreciate the man in her life. Her dad wasn't a good example of how a man should treat a woman, so she will repeat that in her relationship with her boo. She's going to make her man pay for how her father treated her growing up, and that's not right. Whenever a woman says "men are afraid of committment", always consider the source. Many times, she's coming from a place of hurt.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.