Jun 19, 2015


This tweet is my thoughts on the Charleston Church Shooting

Good Shall Prevail: Jeannine Carswell

All of my Facebook friends are dropping fire so much that I may have to promote their content on my blog all year. Jeannine is one of my closest Facebook friends, who I've known for years on a previous social networking site before Facebook. Here is what she has to say about the Charleston Church Shooting:

Jeannine Carswell
So I just got home and am now able to watch the coverage of this horrendous Church Shooting. Apparently, it's true that this was a racially motivated incident. And you know what I have to say about that?? OBAMA.

All of these incidences kicked up 1000 notches AFTER Obama became President. Him being Black has truly sent all these closet racists into a complete and utter FRENZY. They are panicked and full of hatred and acting out! It's time to quite BSing about this! All these police shootings, and now these church killings, etc....this certainly is NOT all a coincidence. There is a difference between being Diplomatic and being in Denial. We are truly reliving the 1960's here and this is not a joke, not something to be blown off, and NOT at all something to repeat! This story is absolutely disgusting to me.

But we must remember - there is ALWAYS a push-back from those who are Evil, before the Good actually prevail and change occurs. History tells us this. So it's plain and it's clear...that it is truly time for us younger generations (of ALL races) to "grab the torch" from those before us and see this f*cking fight through to the end. NO PAIN, NO GAIN RIGHT? Don't let lives lost be in vain. The corruption must stop, and it will!

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.