Oct 30, 2018

Scenario: I Can't Take It Anymore

We don't ask for a lot of unfortunate circumstances in life, but they happen. We live in a fallen world so there will be unfortunate circumstances that take place. It's said that life is 10% what happens and 90% how you react to it, but this scenario here...I can't. My thought is this: Some people want to rewrite the wedding vows to say: I promise to cherish you for better, as long as you're in good health, and rich. I came up with this scenario because it's one that all married couples are facing, or will face (God forbid). The husband is dead wrong on many levels. It's bad enough his wife had two strokes, but divorce consideration is foul. This is the time she needs him the most. 
Situations like this are why couples need to be careful when they decide to marry because God forbid, they have to deal with something like this. The irony of this scenario is that I remember reading about this very situation online, where a rich man divorces his wife because she got really sick. I don't know the outcome, but I would think he's paying hefty alimony and spousal support. I understand the anger of seeing your spouse incapacitated, so I think this is where a lot of his anger is coming from. He's making $500K annually with bonuses, so I'm sure he can afford top-notch care for his wife. How does he think she feels? She feels ugly, useless because she can't do what she used to, but he has to be strong for himself and her.
Everyone says they got you when times are good, but when hard times come, you find out who's "got you."

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.