Sep 26, 2013

Dahlia (How To Be A Woman): Protect Your Man

Today's message is from Dahlia, one of the administrators of How To Be A Woman on Facebook. This message shows that men need to be protected just as much as women. Men deal with a lot on a daily, and if his woman doesn't have his back, what does he do? Show your love for Dahlia.

REPOST - Protect Your Man

Ladies, you have the power to protect your man. Men face a lot, more than you think. They face stresses of the world and pressure from their roles. They must be the providers, the guardians, protectors, the kings, the alpha men. They must go out in the world and battle with the elements of society. When he is worn out, defeated and tired, protect him.

Yes, men need protection too and we women have the nurturing spirit to protect them. He is like a sword, you are like his sheathe. A sword can be a dangerous weapon when wielded. A sheathe protects the sword from wear and tear, and weathering from the elements, but it also keeps it enclosed so it won't harm. He is the warrior, you are his shield. You protect him from attacks, ensure that his vital parts are covered and that he is safe. Sometimes, he even needs protection from himself when he's feeling down and needs uplifting. When he's facing war with his job, society, his family; be at his side and soothe him, reassure him and take care of him. Protect him from the outside forces that drain him and drag him down.

Men need for their women to have their backs. Have his back and protect him. Be the ear when he just wants to vent, be his nurse to soothe his wounds, just be there. Protect him always and maintain peace for him, yourself and the foundation you have together. The time is now ladies. Let's protect them!

~ Dahlia

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.