Jul 5, 2013


Some people don't know what the term self-hate means. You must hate yourself (or your own ethnicity) if you point out foolishness amongst your people. "You must hate blacks since you criticize their bad behavior" Really? So you're supposed to let foolishness go unchecked? That's news to me, why didn't I get the memo? The actions of one (or a few) reflect on the whole. For example: I live in Southeast Washington, DC; which is supposedly the pit of hell in DC (on the contrary, since gentrification is sweeping SE DC like a flood). 80% of violent crime occurs in this area, and I'm active in trying to get the area cleaned up: I speak out against the ghetto thuggery. Some people get upset with me, and say I hate myself. I'm trying to figure out what it is about you that could make me hate myself. See how silly that sounds? I was chatting with a friend on Facebook, and we discussed this very issue: Why do some blacks assume you hate yourself if you have the guts to speak out against foolishness? People kill me sometimes. My definition of self-hate is having no pride in who you are as a person. You see no good in your own, and point out the negative. That's the problem with some blacks: They want their behinds powdered, and don't want to address the issues. You can't have beauty without getting rid of the ugliness. Ugliness symbolizes foolishness & ignorance (Worldstar Hiphop, youtube videos showing blacks acting stupid, etc.). Beauty is when you see blacks prospering in life. We all know there's far too much negativity, and not enough goodness among blacks. Yet, people raised sand when Bill Cosby called out black people for their ridiculous behavior. I feel like this: When you care enough about someone or something, you point out their foolishness because you want better for them. Hopefully they'll straighten up, but some people thrive on being ratchet; they see no shame in acting stupid. Help who wants to be helped, and leave the rest to their demise.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.